With every new release, Alejandra O’Leary, one of the most audacious creative forces in music, adapts herself to a different genre. Her advanced experiments have garnered her ardent admirers throughout the globe, who are enthusiastic about accompanying her on her quest for auditory exploration. With “Undo Her,” O’Leary’s most recent song, she demonstrates that she still has a lot of surprises up her sleeve and may be able to offer her most beautiful work to date while maintaining the creative edge that makes her so captivating.

A relentless drum machine rhythm and a shimmering guitar riff open the song. O’Leary’s dreamy vocals float in, swept up by the song’s effortless melodic charm. Her intimate, breezy voice is reminiscent of pop giants from the 1960s, which perfectly matches the summertime atmosphere of the song.

Looping guitar licks flutter around the core rhythmic framework, adding suspense. A brief guitar solo brings an exotic flair before receding into the mix. During the bridge, only Alejandra’s singing and a lone synth line remain to carry the melody in a pared-back moment that highlights her artistry. Clever choices like this maintain the listener’s engagement throughout the track’s four-minute runtime.

Alejandra deconstructs and reconstructs the song to breathtaking effect during the bridge segment mentioned before. No detail feels overlooked or underdeveloped. It’s easy to get lost exploring all the subtle layers with repeated listening.

Longtime fans of Alejandra O’Leary won’t be surprised by the artistry on display, as it’s come to be expected from her boundary-dissolving albums. “Undo Her” also serves as an excellent starting point for new listeners, presenting her approach in an exceptionally appealing package. Given her extensive record, it’s great praise indeed that this is one of her most colorful and detailed works to date.

Seeing an artist at the height of their talents is always fascinating. On “Undo Her,” Alejandra O’Leary proves, yet again, she remains on the avant-garde edge of pop. Where she’ll take her sonic explorations next is anyone’s guess, but if this single proves, it will surely be a thrill to find out. Until then, you should be streaming “Undo Her” on repeat.

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