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This Moment (Original Single) by Mick J. Clark

Mick J. Clark is one artist that the world should know about, this talented artist makes music that benefits humanity and has a cause, with each one of his singles being able to help someone in need due to his dedication to creating music that resonates and can help everyone.

This Moment (Original Single) is Mick J. Clark’s latest release, an alternative pop duet that’s about saying goodbye to your lover, a true love song for the ages. All of Mick J Clark’s music is meaningful something most artists have lost currently with creating mumble rap and music filled with hate, violence, and crime, Mick J brings out the best in people with music that just gives you a higher vibration and a clearer soul.

Not only is Mick J. Clark’s single eccentric, but his previous album ‘Causes’ is one album that should be spoken about, “Causes” is the clearest form of showing the selfless nature of Mick’s music as in this album he discusses many issues present in the world such as Self Harming, Suicide, FGM, Bullying, Losing Control and Global Warming, the singles were backed by several institutions like Leethan  Bartholomew of the National FGM Centre, Croydon Education Dept, and Croydon and London Mayors and the Met Police.

Mick J. Clarks music is just beautiful with elite composition and his angelic deep vocals that echo through the room, it’s no wonder why he has gotten a whopping 1 million streams on his spotify, with millions more to come.

You must check out Mick J. Clark, a remarkable artist that deserves all the love and support. And don’t forget to like and follow all his social media platforms to always remain up to date on all his latest news and releases.

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