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TAKE ME HOME (Original Single) by Moon and Aries

TAKE ME HOME (Original Single) by Moon and Aries TAKE ME HOME (Original Single) by Moon and Aries

TAKE ME HOME (Original Single) by Moon and Aries is a synth pop track, or how Moon and Aries like to call it “Synth Pop Opera” genre, I feel their description fits their track as I haven’t heard anything like it. TAKE ME HOME is a majestic creation by Moon and Aries that teleported me into a place of bliss and harmony by the melody, the ethereal vocals, and amazing lyrics present in this track. Moon and Aries make high vibrational music to raise the vibration of its listeners, a truly remarkable feat not many artists try to include in their music. I personally find Moon and Aries and impeccable duo that you should definitely give a listen to.

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