Streamlined Mastering at Your Fingertips: This Powerful Plugin Packs Parametric EQ, Dynamics Processing, Saturation and More Into a Single, Easy-to-Use Solution

For music producers, getting that final polished sound can often require a lot of specialized equipment and technical know-how. But not everyone has the budget for a full studio setup or the skills of a trained mastering engineer. That’s where all-in-one plugins like MasterMind from SounDevice Digital come in handy.

MasterMind aims to simplify mastering without sacrificing quality. At its core is an “Optimize” feature powered by machine learning. SounDevice analyzed thousands of professionally mastered tracks to develop an algorithm that enhances sound from both an audio and perceptual perspective. With one click, it promises to improve tracks in a way that lifts them to a professional standard.

Of course, a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work for every song. Thankfully MasterMind includes additional tools for customization. Its “Match” function analyzes your track against a reference and creates an EQ curve to emulate that sound. Producers can dial in how much of the automated EQ they want to be applied.

For those who prefer a manual touch, full parametric EQ is also at your fingertips. Shelving filters on the low and high ends provide up to 16dB of cut or boost across useful frequency ranges. And a “EQ Tube” knob brings the warmth of analog saturation.

Dynamics processing is handled by a straightforward yet powerful limiter, letting you boost volume and smooth transients with controls for gain, threshold, and ceiling. Plus a saturation control for adding extra grit. Stereo width and a visual analyzer round out the package.

Accessible, full-featured, and backed by serious R&D, MasterMind looks to streamline mastering without sacrificing the results of a pro studio. For independent artists and sound designers on a budget, it could be a game changer.

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