SE3 (Original Album) By Spencer Elliott
Check out this new original album from Spencer Elliott, a West Virginia-based instrumental progressive rock guitarist. The trio is joined by Sean Sydnor (bass) and Chris Hudson (drums) on the breathtaking tour de force of the new album "SE3", The album features ten original acoustic instrumental full-length tracks. The tracks are well produced with different tempos and different moods. Some of them have up a bead, and some others have a chill mood. There is so much creativity and variety of instruments used with some electronic VSTS. The production quality is phenomenal. I use a Focal shape twin as a studio monitor and the entry-level for the high end, and I believe I can count on them to judge such a lube. The album is a must to listen to, and I recommend it for background music or 5 min craft videos. Give it a good listen and support this trio; they deserve your love...