Quiero Tenerte Pa Mi (Original Single) by JOSHUA MARTIN
Quiero Tenerte Pa Mi (Original Single) by JOSHUA MARTIN a time machine into the 80s, is a 80s inspired Latin rock pop single that will make you wiggle and shake with its mesmerizing beats and melodies.
"Quiero Tenerte Pa Mi" isn't just a catchy single with an amazing beat it is also a meaningful love song JOSHUA MARTIN wrote about his spouse when they were first dating and he didn't know where he would be without her in the stages when he wasn't sure how to define their relationship and where it was going.

I am definitely in love with "Quiero Tenerte Pa Mi" a meaningful and enchanting single that takes me into a nostalgic place full of love and light. You must give Quiero Tenerte Pa Mi by JOSHUA MARTIN a listen, a fantastic song by an amazing artist.
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