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Mr Jones (Original Single) by Aaron Brown

Discover POP Mr Jones (Original Single) by Aaron Brown
Mr Jones (Original Single) by Aaron Brown Mr Jones (Original Single) by Aaron Brown

Mr Jones (Original Single) by Aaron Brown is a jazz track that is relaxing and intriguing. Aaron Brown wrote, produced and arranged the single named after his longtime friend and mentor, Gordon “G-man” Jones. Aaron Brown was a music major while in college, and honestly it shows with how his track is perfectly made, with highs and lows and notes that take your mind to a new place while enjoying the relaxing and groovy beats he has composed and put together. Aaron is a truly talented artist and his song Mr Jones is a work of art, it is as if I am listening to a magnificent painting being drawn up in my mind and created while listening to it. you should give Aaron Brown a listen because his music is worth every second of your time.

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