Mistakes and Heartbreak (Original Single) by N4November
Mistakes and Heartbreak (Original Single) by N4November is a soft rock song that is a SINGER-SONGWRITER Band (Full Band Sound) by the one and only solo member Alex. I really enjoyed this song, especially the lyrics that are relatable and meaningful about regret and heartbreak, Alex from N4November describes "Mistakes and Heartbreak," as the name suggests, as a lot of mistakes that led to eventual heartbreak. A person growing up and maturing from these mistakes and wishing he knew back then what he has learned now, so he could've been a better person. If only all people could take this perspective on life and relationships as Alex's 16-year-old self did when writing this song.
Alex wrote this song when he was 16, an extremely impressive feat because the lyrics and melodies are just to die for. Even though Alex wrote this song at 16, he released the song now when he is 22 because it still resonates with him. Mistakes and Heartbreak is an incredible song. It just plays into your heart and makes you think of that special someone where things didn't work out; this song just brings out your emotions, and I love that about it. The vibe and melodies of this single exhibit are nostalgic and magical. You must give Mistakes and Heartbreak by N4November a listen.
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