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Her Shadow In The Flame (Original Single) by Matyascorvinus

Top chill Vibes Her Shadow In The Flame (Original Single) by Matyascorvinus

Matyascorvinus has blessed us with a new relaxing chilling single that you will definitely enjoy, Her Shadow In The Flame (Original Single) is an acoustic easy listen that will take you out of this world by the skillful detailed guitar playing of Matyascorvinus.

Matyascorvinus started out his music journey about 6 years ago when he read an interesting article about the ukulele and decided to get one, after falling in love with music and mastering the ukulele he decided to switch it up and started playing the guitar While honing his technique. Matyas has been ignoring all the theories of notes and chords, he is writing his music following his intuition, aiming to find the beauty, serenity, and simplicity in his music.

Her Shadow In The Flame (Original Single) started out as a paid project cover of Cathedral (Hopkins the witchfinder general) for a friend but as the project was completed his friend never held his end of the deal, so Matyascorvinus tweaked the single to his liking and made it the chilling masterpiece it is today, a legendary easy listen that will have you entranced with the delicate strumming and playing of Matyascorvinus.

As Matyascorvinus tells us the single is about witchcraft and inquisition. In short: unjustified violence against defenseless human beings, a war on women. but this single has turned out to be a soundtrack of longing. The great missing of a loved one, maybe gone forever.


You must give Her Shadow In The Flame (Original Single) by Matyascorvinus a listen, it a legendary single. Dont forget to follow and like Matyascorvinus social media so you always stay updated with his latest news and releases.

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