Have you ever heard a guitar riff so addictive that you can’t stop humming it for hours after listening to a song? That’s the incredible power of “Hate Song” by Balloon Shed. Balloon Shed is the bedroom pop project of Bristol-based singer and songwriter Rowan Davies. This lo-fi indie track grabs you with its opening chords and refuses to let go, all thanks to the stunningly catchy guitar work.

As the vocals carry the verses with raw feelings, those opening chords are the backbone keeping everything grounded. It’s not overly complex, but its simplicity is what makes it so addictive. The strings establish a steady pulse that underlies the entire song.

As the vocals come in, the guitar continues to carry the verse forward with that infectious main riff. Even when additional instruments or vocals take the spotlight, you can still hear traces of the riff resonating in the background. It unites the whole song and keeps pulling you back to its hypnotic pattern.

After the final strum rings out and fades into silence, the song doesn’t stop playing in my head. With this one, Balloon Shed really stuck to the ground – Balloon Shed wrote a piece that is so addictive, that it won’t be able to leave your head once you’ve heard it.

The layers and textures within the song have grown on me as I have listened to it repeatedly. The vocals handle raw emotion that pairs nicely with the gritty guitar work. Instrumental breaks allow the riff to build into a frenzied crescendo before relaxing back into the pattern. Subtle details like a buzzing distortion and colors outside the lines of the song, keep the song going. Every time I listen to it, I find something new to admire about it.

“Hate Song” is one of those tracks that reveals new layers the more listens it gets. Balloon Shed proves very much a project worth paying attention to with “Hate Song.” Just one listen is all it takes to understand why Balloon Shed is garnering praise from many fans. With chops like this, it’s easy to see big things on the horizon. Be sure to keep an ear out by streaming the song online.

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