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Get There Before Noon (LA mix) By The Afro Nick

TOP BEST HITS Get There Before Noon (LA mix) By The Afro Nick

let's take a short step into the world of The Afro Nick and his new single, "Get There Before Noon (LA Mix)." The overall vibe gives a feel of a very happy, lived-in experience.

Nick Anastasakis aka The Afro Nick is an artist bringing a world of influences to the table. Raised on Crete, he was awash in the music of local Romani singers - a bent that seemed to have unavoidably marked his musical self. This isn't just yet another young indie-rock artist; this is deeper-rooted, someone who has gone through varied sound experiences in his life.

"Get There Before Noon (LA Mix)" is a wake-up call, a reminder that life moves on. Nick rings out strong, earnestly, and with a knowledge only gained through experience. He says, "This is the only life you have.

You got to do what you got to do, and you gotta do it quickly." It sticks in your throat, doesn't it? All of us have had that momentary glimpse that time was going away, and this song is a very strong stirrer of awakening and living. The track here is myriad sound sources: melding indie, alternative, and psychedelic rock.

Thick, soulful guitar riffs underscored by electronic melodies bring it all together. Nick's deep and raspy soil-and-honey voice is the sound of lived experience and raw anguish. What's more exciting about this release is the cooperative spirit surrounding it.

Nick has gathered a group of really talented musicians around him, including Grammy-winning synth player Leo Genovese and his long-time band mate George Athanas. Leo never-endingly tours these days; Cuba" in polite company, has not given Nick much free time to rest on, besides recording.

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