Forgive Me (Original EP) by Mars Valencia
Forgive Me (Original EP) by Mars Valencia is an Ep with a mix of hip-hop and RnB making for a refreshing tune for the ears. Mars Valencia wrote this Ep about his real-life Ex making it all the more personal, real, and relatable. 'Forgive Me' is Mars's way of saying sorry to his Ex but has no regrets. 'Praying For My Ex' (the final song on the EP) features a voice note from his real-life Ex making this EP all the more real and personal. Mars makes a point to ensure that his music isn't generic but real songs with real emotions behind them. I'm personally in love with this Ep as it is very catchy and at some point, I feel like "Assumptions" gives a The Weeknd vibe, Mars Valencia is a talented artist with incredible vocals that fit his music and genre perfectly. I have tremendous respect for him for the courage of speaking about his personal life in his tracks and being a mature man who can ask for forgiveness which is a trait that makes him a lovable and admirable artist. Cause who doesn't love a talented artist that is humble and moral with music that can rock your world and make you and your friends enjoy your time together. You should definitely give Forgive Me a listen and support this upcoming talent Mars Valencia.
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