Casino Wilderness Period By SACHA MULLIN

Where do I even start with this album? Let me just say that Sacha Mullin has completely blown me away with “Casino Wilderness Period.” From the first note of the opening track “Arranging Flowers,” I was utterly transfixed. Mullin blends pop, jazz, and other influences in a way that’s magical and completely original. “Arranging Flowers” sets the tone perfectly – it’s funky, quirky, and a total jam to listen to. The synths and vocals weave in and out so smoothly. I couldn’t stop playing it when I first listened.

“Thanks” is a straight-up jazz masterpiece. The bass playing on this song is out of this world. The drums and piano complement it beautifully too – it’s a case study in flawless jazz instrumentation. “Neptune In The Snow” took me by surprise as well. At first listen, it sounds super spacey and trippy with all these looping synth patterns swirling around. But then I noticed the beat – it moves left and right in a mesmerizing way.

I felt like I was floating when I listened to it. Genius production work for sure. Hands down, my favorite track is “Margaret.” Everything about it is just sublime. The synths sparkle like stars in the sky, and Mullin’s gorgeous vocals are used almost like another instrument in the mix. It’s so melodic and hypnotic – I felt transported by the end.

The album continues to impress all the way through too. “Fibreglass” ups the energy with a powerful groove that’ll get your head nodding. And the closing number “Window Out” brings things to a magnificently triumphant conclusion with grand, cinematic flair.

Overall, I am absolutely blown away by Sacha Mullin’s artistic vision of “Casino Wilderness Period.” The songwriting is incredible, layered with lush harmonies and melodies around every corner. Most impressively, though, Mullin’s vocals are the star of the whole show. The vocal performances throughout are magnetizing – smooth, soulful, and expressive. You can hear every ounce of passion and emotion in the delivery.

Truly the vocals are what tie this whole vision together in a stunning package. If you’re looking for a unique and special album to get lost in, check out “Casino Wilderness Period” on Spotify. It’s the kind of album I want on repeat forever.

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