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Callin me (Original Single) By 45dee

Uncategorized Callin me (Original Single) By 45dee

We’ve always loved keeping track of up and coming artists, and 45dee has been gaining a lot of traction lately. Talented, skilled, and backed by an unbreakable will to become successful, he’s released 6 tracks this year, with this new release being his 7th. Like an unstoppable force of melodic explosions, his music is set to captivate your minds as it is written and molded out of pure emotions that demand attention. So! Dive into the realms of 45dee and let the memory of his music bounce between the walls of your mind like nothing you’ve felt before!

45dee is one artist the world needs to keep an eye out for as he’s bound to breakout and become a global sensation. Taking refuge in music ever since he was a child, he’s built a career by rapping about his life through his flawless lyrical rhymes and melodic rhythms. Inspired by two different ends of the spectrum, Mac Miller and King Von, he’s skillfully brought the best of both artists and synergized them into a style of his own.

"Callin Me" marks the 7th original single by 45dee and it is highly likely to be his greatest release to date as it beautifully reflects his authentic emotions as he reflects upon his journey as a person and an artist. Unique and catchy, the song is set to connect with everyone that’s been working countless hours to improve themselves. Best described as a self-gratitude song, "Callin Me" is forged from the pebbles and stones that 45dee paved his road to success with. So! Enjoy the rhymes and get lost in the melodies as he’s gone over and beyond with the incredible lyrics that make up this single.

Recorded through the simple offerings of a microphone and laptop, 45dee has created a masterpiece that’ll serve as the pillar upon which he builds his empire. Perfected to its tiniest of details, "Callin Me" is bound to resonate through your minds like an echo, so be sure to blast it out loud. Share the music with your friends and discover this artist’s latest releases and projects by joining him on his social media platforms!

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