April's Gonna Rain (Original Single) by Robbie Rapids
Robbie Rapids is on fire, releasing his 3rd track this season called April's Gonna Rain. His track "Aprils Gonna Rain" is an upbeat funk rock song about a co-worker Robbie had a crush on from years back who was engaged to be married and confided in Robbie with all her relationship troubles. Robbie the talented artist he is used April as the women who’s emotional issues where described as making the clouds rain, an amazing way to describe emotions in my opinion. This remarkable song was written and performed by Robbie Rapids and David Levene, both accomplished artists who started performing at the age of 16 but that haven't met until later in life . Robbie’s favorite thing about the song is the guitar solo, it was done by David playing a guitar through an autowah pedal. You should definitely give Robbie Rapids a listen, his recent releases have been amazing and "Aprils Gonna Rain" does not disappoint. Robbie consistently amazes me with his music and I think he will amaze you too.
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